Bodyweight Training - Back To The Basics

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By Mike Thiga

Now that I have been focusing primarily on bodyweight training for the past several years I have been able to create countless bodyweight workouts and exercises that there is no way I could ever get bored with my routines.  Even with that I began to think this past week if I were to trim down to just three bodyweight exercises which ones would they be?  There are various forms of exercises in terms of bodyweight training but sometimes it is a good idea to keep it simple and go back to the basics.  So that is what I did, I am only doing three basic bodyweight exercises this week and I am acutally enjoying it a lot.  Keep reading to see which three I chose

Bodyweight Training Stems From Three Main Moves

If you take a step back and look at bodyweight training you will see that nearly all the moves stem from three different exercises.  I am not including cardio or core work in this formula, you will see why soon.  If you are new to bodyweight training than keeping it simple and building your strength with these three exercises is a great way to build a strong foundation.  From there you can get into the more advanced moves.  If you are a guru with bodyweight training then going back to the basics may seem dull at first, but believe me I am always sore the following day with just these three exercises.

Bodyweight Training Basic Exercise #1

The push up.  I know, not very intriguing or glamorous but that is the point.  Think about it, the push up works your chest, shoulders, core, triceps, and a little of your back muscles.  I love plyometric push ups, but there is something to be said about the basic push up with no fancy variation.  If you do a standard 3-5 sets of 25 reps for each set of push ups with proper form the chances are high that you will feel sore the next day.  You will also build functional strength and muscle endurance.

Bodyweight Training Basic Exercise #2

Pull ups.  Standard chin ups or pull ups are my ideal way to work my back.  I actually prefer this over any other back exercise.  The reason is your entire back is engaged along with your biceps.  If you limit your leg movement and tighten your core when you do your pull ups it really helps to target your core muscles more so than various ab exercises.  Pull ups are hard for many people, they were for me.  I still remember when I could literally only do a single pull up.  But as time went on and I worked at getting stronger with bodyweight training that single pull ups has turned into many pull ups

Bodyweight Training Basic Exercise #3

Bodyweight Squats.  Simple and effect just like the other two bodyweight training exercises.  You work your entire lower body plus your core with each squat that you do.  These are great for increasing both your leg strength and muscle definition.

Building A Bodyweight Training Routine With These Three Exercises

If you look at these three simple but very effective bodyweight training exercises you will see that they work your entire body.  If you put them together in one workout you have a very effective total body workout that is basic and will deliver results.  If you put these in a circuit format, 25 push ups then 25 pull ups then 40 squats with no rest for 5 rounds you will be getting a cardio workout in as well.  If you engage your core with each exercise you will get a strong core as well.

Final Thoughts On Simplifying Bodyweight Training

Outside of bodyweight training I think we all need to simplify our lives to some degree.  Every moment it seems like new ways to exercise, new products, new research, and bigger shinier things come into focus.  At times all of that can be just noise, a distraction that will veer you off on a wrong path.  Taking a step back, simplifying bodyweight training or any other aspect of your life is a must do from time to time.   Bodyweight training is a passion of mine and I whole heartily enjoy doing it and researching it daily.  But at times I need to go back to the basics, turn down the noise and just focus on the foundaiton that I built that has allowed me to be more advanced in my training.   Bodyweight training is effective no matter what level you are at

For the best workouts using bodyweight exercises, I recommend you check out

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